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Candidates, Campaigns and Issues

Check this page often as we'll be adding regular updates with more information about candidates. Scroll down for information on ballot measures.

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Election Information

Jackson County ballots will be mailed Friday, Oct. 18

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024

  • Voter Pamphlets will be mailed during the second week of October.

  • For info on Ballot Drop Boxes, scroll to the bottom of this page.

  • If you have any questions about registration or ballots, call the County Elections Office at 541-774-6148.

Find your district:

Enter your street address in this map to find your voting precinct, legislative districts, and more.


What’s on the ballot in the next election?

Use Ballotpedia to learn about key elective offices and measures that will be on your November general election ballot. ​

Election Information

Democratic Candidate Information

Democratic Candidate Info

City Councils Matter!  We will be using this page to provide additional information about city candidates, and making some recommendations. In the meantime, here’s a listing of all the city council candidates in each community.  

​If you are able, please consider donating directly to your favorite candidate, or consider a donation to the Jackson County Democrats.  Our party volunteers will be working hard to get out the vote this fall for all of these candidates.


Recommend a "YES" VOTE:

Measure 115: Impeachment of Elected State Executives

Statewide measure referred to voters by the Oregon Legislature
(House Joint Resolution 16, aka HJR 16)

Recommend a "YES" VOTE:

Measure 116: Independent Public Service Compensation Commission

Statewide measure referred to voters by the Oregon Legislature
(Senate Joint Resolution 34 aka SJR 34)

Recommend a "YES" VOTE:

Measure 117: Ranked-Choice Voting for Federal and State Elections

  • Statewide measure referred to voters by the Oregon Legislature
    (House Bill 2004 – aka HB 2004) 

  • Would amend Oregon statute by permitting voters to rank candidates in order of preference; the candidate receiving the majority of votes wins.  Change would pertain to the offices of President, United States Senator and Representative in Congress, Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and Attorney General

  • Complete ballot title

  • Complete text of ballot measure

Recommend a "YES" VOTE:

Measure 119: Unionization of Cannabis Workers Initiative

Recommend a "YES" VOTE:

​Measure 17-119: Rogue Community College District Bonds


Recommend a "NO" VOTE:

Measure 15-231: Prohibits Psilocybin Businesses in City of Rogue River

Ballot Measures

Jackson County
Ballot Drop Box Locations

Official ballot drop box locations in Jackson County are located at the Ashland library, the Phoenix library, the Medford library, the Central Point library, the Eagle Point library, the Rogue River library, and at the Jackson County Elections Office in Medford. 

Ballot Box Locations

Jackson County Ballot Drop Box Locations & Addresses

Ashland--410 Siskiyou Blvd. (behind the library in the alley way off Gresham street.) 

Central Point--116 S. 3rd St. (in front of the library) 

Eagle Point--239 W. Main St. (in front of the library) 

Medford-1101 W. Main St. (Elections Dept) in front of the office. 

Medford - Central Library 205 S. Central (behind main library in the parking lot off RIverside Avenue.) 

Phoenix--510 W. 1 st St. (in front of the library) 

Rogue River—412 E. Main St. (in front of the library) 

Ballot Drop Boxes should be accessible to deposit ballots by the Monday after ballots are mailed.

Ballots should be in an official drop box before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day! 


The Jackson County Elections Office exercises great precaution in the security of ballot drop boxes. Each box has at least two video surveillance cameras recording all activity in the vicinity 24 hours a day. Ballots are never removed from the boxes, or transported to the Election Office, unless TWO people are present--one Democrat and one Republican. 



Just after ballots are mailed, pickup will be occasional (e.g., every 2nd or 3rd day). As volume picks up, however, pickup increases to daily and then twice daily towards the end. 


You can easily track your ballot online through the Oregon Secretary of State’s website’s MyVote System.  Go to Track my vote.


You can also contact the Jackson County Elections Office: 

1101 W. Main St, Ste. 201, Medford, Oregon 97501 

Phone: (541) 774-6148

Answers to Common Questions about Voting in Jackson County

Q: I got my Voters’ Pamphlet but not my ballot. Aren’t I registered? 


A: Receiving the voter’s pamphlet does not mean you are definitely registered to vote.  Voters Pamphlets are sent to all households that receive mail in Oregon.   The Post Office is asked to put one in each mailbox. There is no address on them.  To check and make sure you are indeed registered, go to my vote and check now!  The Voter’s Pamphlets are sent early so you can study the measures and candidates before you receive your ballot and vote.  

Q: When will I get my ballot?  


A: Ballots will start being mailed (in batches) on or before 18 days prior to the election. If you haven’t  gotten it, you can call the Jackson County Elections office to check on it (Elections Office Phone: (541) 774-6148).  You can also track your ballot through the MyVote system on the Oregon Secretary of State Website:

Q: Someone told me people get removed from the voter registration rolls. Is that true?  


A: If you do not vote in several elections, or your mail ballot was returned for non-delivery, you may  become inactive in the system. But a simple call or visit to the Election Dept. will reactivate your registration. Do it as early as possible. (541) 774-6148 or W. Main St., 2nd floor, Medford. 

Q: I registered to vote at the DMV, so I’m all set, right? 


A: Take a minute and go to vote and check now!  

Q: None of my candidates are in the Voters’ Pamphlet!  


A: The pages that refer to Jackson County candidates and measures are a gray-edged section in the center of  the Voters’ Pamphlet. The rest of the pamphlet refers to Federal and State candidates and measures.  Note: the only candidates in the Jackson County section are the ones who submitted information to be  published. Not every candidate did.  

Q: I moved here from another state. When is the registration deadline? 


A: By the 21st day before the elections your new voter registration must be in the Election Dept office. You can easily register to vote online at  You can also look  for the voter registration form in your Voters’ Pamphlet (the back page).  Most post offices have voter registration cards available and you can also register to vote at the Jackson County Elections office at 1101 W. Main in Medford.  


Q: I thought I had up until Election Day to register!  


A: If you were previously registered in the State of Oregon, but inactive, or moved within Oregon, you can  change your address or reactivate your registration by filling out a new voter registration card and  getting it to the Election Dept.  It must be at the Election Dept. by 8pm on Election Day.  Jackson County Elections office at 1101 W. Main in Medford is open until 8:00 p.m. on election day. 

Q: My signature has changed. Does my vote just get thrown out? 


A: No, if the trained signature verification staff can’t verify your signature (and they try really hard to by  checking it with ten years’ of past signatures in the database), you will be mailed a notice saying they  can’t verify it, and asking you to fill out a new voter registration card (the back page of your Voters’  Pamphlet) by a deadline – you’ll have a couple of weeks to do it. When you mail it, or bring it in, your  ballot envelope will be found, the signature matched, and your vote then counted. 

Q: What if a voter has become disabled and unable to sign, or their hand is too shaky, or they are in a  temporary cast? 


A: They may have a trusted person (not an Employer or Union) fill out a new voter registration card on  their behalf, and the voter can make a “mark” for their signature (for example, an “X”). The person  helping them will write next to it “Witnessed by _________” and they must fill the blank with their own  signature and this becomes the voter’s official signature, and must be written on their ballot envelope  every time. Also, see in the Voters’ Pamphlet: Voters with Disabilities. Alternatively, a voter may  purchase a signature ink stamp, and bring it to the Election Dept. where they can stamp an attestation  form and it goes on file as their official signature.  

Q: Will my ballot still be counted if it arrives after election day? 


A: Yes, provided two conditions are met:  

1) It must have a postmark not later than Election Day, and  

2) It must be received within 7 days of the election. After that it won’t be counted. 

3) Because postmarking of mail no longer occurs in Medford, instead of mailing your ballot, it is strongly  recommended you take your ballot to your closest ballot drop box the last week prior to Election Day.

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