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2021 Resolutions
2020 Resolutions

Resolution 2021-001
Rebuke of Senator Dallas Heard

Resolution 2021-002
Support for OR State Health Care Bills

Resolution 2021-004
Regarding Systemic Racism & Police Violence and Equality & Justice and How we Get from One to the Other

Resolution 2021-006
Support of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Resolution 2021-008
Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Resolution 2020-001
Limiting the Involvement of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) in Democratic Primaries

Resolution 2020-002
Regarding Jackson County Providing Adequate Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Funding, Facilities, & Staff

Resolution 2020-003
To Encourage the State of Oregon to Declare a Climate Emergency & our National Delegation to Support the Blumenauer Climate Emergency Resolution

Resolution 2020-004
To Encourage the State of Oregon to Adopt a Consumer Privacy Act

Resolution 2020-005
Treating Gun Violence as a Public Health Problem