2022 Candidates for Oregon Senate District 3
Oregon Senate District 3
Help us curate our election info pages!
Email NLP@jcdemocrats.org or contact David Sours, NLP Chair, at 541-601-2948.
How the Candidates Present Themselves
Jeff Golden, Democrat (Incumbent)
LEGISLATIVE WEBPAGE: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/golden
Website: https://goldenforsenate.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SenatorGolden/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/senatorgolden
Videos of the candidate: (ads, public statements, etc.):
None yet.
Randy Sparacino, Republican
Website: https://www.randysparacino.com/
Facebook: N/A
Twitter: N/A
Videos of the candidate: (ads, public statements, etc.):
None yet.
What Others are Saying
Endorsements: Check the candidates’ websites to see these (previous section).
Polls and Analyses comparing these candidates:
Jeff Golden: Oregon League of Conservations Voters Scorecard
Talking Points for Us*
*Neighborhood Leaders, Democrats in general, and other liberals/progressives
Coming soon, we hope.
Help us curate our election info pages!
Email NLP@jcdemocrats.org or contact David Sours, NLP Chair, at 541-601-2948.